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Nysted Pavillion


Nysted, Danmark

Midlertidigt hænge-ud sted for unge i Nysted, del af Nysted In-Situ i anledning af byens 600 års jubilæum 

Kunstprojekt, byudvikling, brugerinvolvering

Junior house, Free house, Freak house, Love in this club, The White House, Kysset, Indianerkysten, The Sweet Life, Flæskepony, The Homie House, Ostehaps, SchoolFreeHouse, Ostepop, Kiks, DampoShampoo, Sex in the City, Paradise Hotel, Lykken, Robinson, Foodprocessor, Legehuset ………….CLUB

Hang out pavillion for youth in Nysted, Denmark – part of Nysted In-Situ (600 years anniversary for the town on the outskirt of Denmark). In cooperation with Kysten (treatment center for drug and alcohol abusers). Curated by Kathrine Olldag Mazanti, Guldborgsund Kommune.

Nysted is a small habour town with many pensioners enjoying their retirement in the cosy, old and traditional provincial town.

In interviews with 17 women from Nysted I asked them about problems they saw the town having. But very little came out of it as they did not really see Nysted having any problems. But in the end the one admitted that the closing of shops in the mailstreet Adelgade was a problem. Also a younger school teacher pointed to the fact the the youth had nowhere to hang out.

Through this proces I connected the two challenges. If Nysted as an institution cannot fullfill the needs of the youth maybe that is the reason why shops cannot survive?

In a proces with users of Kysten and youth from Nysted Skole (local public school) we build a temporary pavillion on a green behind the school. We made interviews with 6th and 7th grade students about what functions and facilities they needed. From this we made a workhops with 32 6th grade students. The aims was to have their input about how to design the pavillion. They picked 8-10 preferred architectural works out of app. 100 and had an amazing creative proces where they made models, collages and drawings of what it could look like.

Inspired from this two of the users from Kysten and I then designed the pavillion. Here they youth can hang out, be social, flirt, play, listen to music, sun bath and everything else that youth develops through.

The youth manages the place themselves but adults from the local area around are wellcomed from the youth to help. As a local community it is then the challange to find a beautiful coexistens between older and younger. To give room for each others life processes.

The task now is to present the need and the research to the council for them to offer facilities for the youth.

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